Privacy Policy Update Date: January 8, 2021 The (tuner) APP was developed by Nanjing Xiaolu Philharmonic Technology Co., LTD. The R & D will collect the information that you voluntarily provide when using the Service or that is generated by the Service in the following ways. To provide you with services and to ensure your safety. This policy will help you understand: The Developer will collect and use your information in accordance with the privacy policy, but will not collect personal information in a mandatory bundle just because you agree to this privacy policy. When you use or enable the relevant function or use the service, the R&D party will collect and use the relevant information necessary for the realization of the function and service. Unless it is necessary information for the realization of basic business functions or required by laws and regulations, you may refuse to provide other functions or services without affecting them. The Developer will specify what information is necessary in the Privacy Policy. <1> Permission information used by the R&D side: 1---- when you use this product, you will read the call status and mobile network information ---- when there is an incoming call, the software will automatically pause the playback, so we need to check whether there is a new incoming call on your device. 2---- When using the Product, you will access the Internet at ------- for updated information and audio or text descriptions of the performances. 3---- when you use this product, you will get the microphone sound ---- we will not record, but through your microphone to collect the sound of your instrument, so as to judge the intonation of your instrument. The permission used is RECORD_AUDIO------ to get the sound of the instrument. Third party SDK permissions are required The software does not use a third party sdk <2> How and for how long the information is stored Our information is stored locally and will not be uploaded to the server. Our storage period is determined by your use of the software, and all information will be deleted when you uninstall the software. Because we store it locally, we will not share your information with any third parties. <3> Your rights When you encounter any problems in use, please contact the following customer service staff. Our customer service staff will be the first time to answer your questions. <4> Protection of minors We attach great importance to the information protection of minors, and we will require minors under the age of 13 to obtain the authorization and consent of their guardians when using the Service in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. <5> Account cancellation and account cancellation guidelines Please read the following detailed instructions on account cancellation. 5.1 What Is the Impact After the Deregistration? This software has no account registration function, no login account is required. After you cancel your account, you will not be able to retrieve any relevant information in your current account, including but not limited to: 1. Personal information of the current account (including account level, personal points, favorites, etc.) 2, previously associated drum metronome products and services will no longer be available. 5.2 Account cancellation, guidelines and timelines 1. How to cancel the account? Please open the interface, select the third bottom navigation, My, and then click on the interface account logout function. If you are already logged in, a red logout prompt button will appear at the bottom. Click the button to log out of the account. 2, after the cancellation, it will take effect immediately, our APP is relatively simple, after the cancellation, the account will be released. 5.3 Where can I use my personal points and ratings after I cancel my account? 1, personal points will no longer be maintained after cancellation, depending on your automatic abandonment of the points and levels held by the current account. 2, the level will be released and you will not be able to retrieve your existing level. <6> Contact us Customer service Email: If you have any questions, please contact customer service. The above are conditions related to the operation of the device, and we do not collect information on your device.